
Telugu24.in, the online Telugu news portal, brings you news as it breaks, from across the world. Catch news like latest news, politics, business, crime, sports, employment, education, health, devotional, science, entertainment, and technology, covered by our network of journalists, content writers, and online resources.  

Telugu24.in is an interactive website that gets you in-depth coverage and follow-up stories from journalists, content writers, sub-editors – on local, national, and international events.

Telugu24.in built with a very cool design and user-friendly User Experience for getting the latest and interesting news, stories, photos, and all categories information. And will bring to people availability as soon as fast. And try to bring better and genuine news to people for awaking on a good path.  

We always try to provide useful content and thinkable. We will pick up only important topics. We don’t want to post messy or unreliable or fake content.  Our highly educated and senior content writers, sub-editors will bring you high value and useful news to people.

We are on social media. People can follow us and get the latest genuine news/content.


